Monday, May 2, 2011

My first class in the English institute

YAY! My friend gave all of them! some snacks and a ring(that box)


She wanted me to draw her half face. :-)

Finally, I got a new phone today!!!

↓   Here is my friend! She is like a model!! tall and skinny!!!   ↓

My new English class is started today.
There are only 4 students, and my teacher is pretty nice!
Anyway, I met my friend after class, and we had lunch together.:-)
I am happy that I got a new cell phone today!yeah!!(It was free!)

Hope you enjoy!


denim jacket-vintage&DIY
shirt-urban outfitters
shoes-urban outfitters


  1. Nice post and yeah I go to the school. Definitely you should come here! I am going to bachelors in the fall as a business major. My major now is fashion illustration. Your in textiles? That's amazing!We have a good textile program. The students make some really nice stuff. I took screen printing 2nd semester and I'm going to start selling my own tees

  2. Hi Sora!
    I saw the drawing you did on Desperately Seeking Pegase. You are very talented! It is so nice to see bloggers working together and sharing their love of creativity!
    I am following you now - I hope you will post more drawings :)
